HighPoint Aviation Airfield
A Premier R/C Soaring Destination

Soar for Fun ~ November 1969
History of the Airfield
The general area along the road going up Knobley Mountain to the airfield is known as High Point Acres. When we bought the property in 1992, it naturally followed that the airfield could be called High Point Acres Airfield…and so from there, we settled on HighPoint Aviation Airfield.
The property was first used as an R/C airfield when Maynard Hill, along with a support team comprised of DCRC and CAMS club members, used the site for an altitude record attempt in the fall of 1967. No record was set, but the experience of flying from atop this scenic and beautiful mountain meadow was so amazing that everyone wanted to come back the next year just to fly for the fun of it, and so, the Annual Cumberland Soar for Fun was born.
Access was limited to once per year in November until the change of ownership in 1992. Facilities were gradually improved over the following years and the airfield began hosting additional events. With the development of reliable aerotowing capability, larger scale sailplanes became the norm. By 2012, major aerotow/scale soaring events were being held in the spring, summer, and fall.
In 2015, the "Hangar" was added, greatly improving the comfort and convienience for pilots and visitors. In 2019, a live weather station was added and can be viewed here: http://highpointaviationweather.azurewebsites.net/
The CAMS R/C Club also holds events at the airfield which feature all manner of R/C aircraft. Members have diverse interests ranging from micro to giant scale, electric to gas, simple to complex, and helicopters to airplanes.
If you have never visited the airfield, put it on your “bucket list” and plan to make the trip to this little corner of Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia.
Recent Articles
We wrote an article for R/C Soaring Digest (with photos by Dave Garwood) that appeared in the January, 2012 issue (see page 84). Title: R/C Soaring in the Appalachian Mountains Near Cumberland, Maryland
Pete Carr wrote an article for R/C Soaring Digest that appeared in the December. 2011 issue (see page 16). Title: 45th Annual Cumberland Soar-for-Fun
Stéphane Ruelle wrote this nice article for Les Grands Planeurs RC about the 45th Annual Cumberland Soar for Fun (Use google to translate the link from French to English).
Stéphane Ruelle wrote this article for Les Grands Planeurs RC about our September 2012 (Birthday Celebration) Aerotow Event.